User guide#

Generate tokens#

A django-sesame token authenticates a user when they access your app. All you need to generate a token is a user instance.

For example, let’s load a user from the database:

>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> user = User.objects.first()

Let’s define a target URL:

>>> LOGIN_URL = ""

You can add a django-sesame token to this URL with sesame.utils.get_query_string():

>>> from sesame.utils import get_query_string
>>> LOGIN_URL + get_query_string(user)

Now you can share this URL with the user via any channel providing appropriate confidentiality. This part is highly dependent on your use case. django-sesame leaves it up to you.

By default, the query string parameter is called sesame.

You can change it with the SESAME_TOKEN_NAME setting. Avoid conflicts with other parameters in your application.

At a lower level, you can obtain a dict of URL parameters with sesame.utils.get_parameters():

>>> from sesame.utils import get_parameters
>>> get_parameters(user)
{'sesame': 'zxST9d0XT9xgfYLvoa9e2myN'}

This makes it more convenient to add more query string parameters to the URL:

>>> from sesame.utils import get_parameters
>>> from urllib.parse import urlencode
>>> query_params = get_parameters(user)
>>> query_params["next"] = "/welcome/"
>>> LOGIN_URL + "?" + urlencode(query_params)

Finally, you can get the token itself with sesame.utils.get_token():

>>> from sesame.utils import get_token
>>> get_token(user)

Indeed, you can use django-sesame tokens in other contexts than URLs served by a Django app, for example to authenticate WebSocket connections.

Authenticate tokens#

django-sesame provides four mechanisms for authenticating tokens, addressing different use cases and supporting different levels of customization.


sesame.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware performs authentication across your application.

With this middleware, you can add a token to any URL and log the user in as if they had gone through a login form. This enables one-click access to views protected by the login_required() decorator or the LoginRequiredMixin class-based view mixin.

To enable the middleware, add "sesame.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware" to the MIDDLEWARE setting. Place it just after Django’s AuthenticationMiddleware:


After a successful login, the token is removed from the URL with an HTTP 302 Redirect.

This functionality requires additional setup for Safari.

AuthenticationMiddleware requires the optional ua extra to prevent issues with Safari:

$ pip install 'django-sesame[ua]'

This method works well when security concerns are limited and you want the convenience of adding a django-sesame token to any URL e.g.<...>.

Login view#

New in version 3.0.

sesame.views.LoginView provides the same functionality as Django’s built-in LoginView, except it looks for a django-sesame token in the URL instead of asking for credentials.

Configure the view in your URLconf:

from django.urls import path
from sesame.views import LoginView

urlpatterns = [
    path("sesame/login/", LoginView.as_view(), name="sesame-login"),

URLs become longer e.g.<...>&next=%2Fwelcome%2F. On the positive side, enabling authentication at only one URL yields security benefits: it’s easier to add throttling, to monitor traffic, etc.

View decorator#

New in version 3.0.

Sometimes the behavior of AuthenticationMiddleware and LoginView is too blunt. Maybe you want to authorize access to a specific view without logging the user in. Or maybe you want to restrict tokens to specific scopes.

Decorate a view with sesame.decorators.authenticate() to look for a token and set request.user.

authenticate() may be applied to a view directly:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from sesame.decorators import authenticate

def hello(request):
    return HttpResponse(f"Hello {request.user}!")

Or it may be applied with arguments:

def hello(request):
    return HttpResponse(f"Hello {request.user}!")

authenticate() can be configured to provide several behaviors:

  • When no valid token is found, it may return a HTTP 403 Forbidden error or, when required=False, set request.user to an AnonymousUser.

  • When a valid token is found, it may set request.user to the corresponding user or, when permanent=True, also log the user in permanently.

  • When a user is already logged in and a valid token is found, it may override request.user or, when override=False, ignore the token.

Custom view logic#

You can call the low-level sesame.utils.get_user() function to authenticate a user directly:

from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.http import HttpResponse

from sesame.utils import get_user

def hello(request):
    user = get_user(request)
    if user is None:
        raise PermissionDenied
    return HttpResponse(f"Hello {user}!")

get_user() returns None when no valid token is found. Then you can show an appropriate error message or redirect to a login mechanism.

Outside a view#

You may want to authenticate users outside of a Django view, where there’s no HttpRequest object available. To support this use case, get_user() also accepts a token directly.

from sesame.utils import get_user

user = get_user(token)

In other words, you may use get_user() as the inverse of get_token().


The low-level authenticate() function provided by django.contrib.auth can verify a token directly:

from django.contrib.auth import authenticate

user = authenticate(sesame=token)

Then, you can log the user in with login().

While this is technically possible, it is best to stick with get_user() because authenticate() doesn’t invalidate single-use tokens.

Tokens expiration#

When you configure django-sesame, you must decide whether tokens will expire or will remain valid forever. You cannot mix expiring and non-expiring tokens within the same project.

In most cases, expiring tokens are a better choice:

  • You get better security properties, especially in case a token leaks.

  • You can customize the lifetime of tokens to support different use cases.

  • You can emulate non-expiring tokens by configuring a very long lifetime.

Set the SESAME_MAX_AGE setting to enable expiring tokens and to configure their lifetime. It may be expressed as a timedelta or a duration in seconds.

If you have several use cases requiring different lifetimes, you can override SESAME_MAX_AGE when you authenticate a token.

LoginView, authenticate(), and get_user() support a max_age argument:

from sesame.utils import get_user

user = get_user(token, max_age=180)  # 180 seconds = 3 minutes

You cannot override SESAME_MAX_AGE when you generate a token because tokens store only the time when they were created, not their expected lifetime.

Non-expiring are acceptable for simple cases where tokens should remain valid forever and where security concerns are low.

Set SESAME_MAX_AGE to None, its default value, to generate non-expiring tokens. They don’t store the time when they were created. As a consequence, if you need to switch to expiring tokens later, you will have to change SESAME_MAX_AGE, which will invalidate all existing tokens.

Single-use tokens#

If you set the SESAME_ONE_TIME setting to True, tokens will be usable only once.

Authenticating with a single-use token always updates the user’s last login date.

This is how django-sesame invalidates single-use tokens after they’re used.

Like expiration, this is a global setting for the project. Changing it invalidates all existing tokens.

Tokens with a short lifetime are often a better choice than single-use tokens because they don’t require the user to obtain a new token in many circumstances where the token gets invalidated before serving its purpose.

For example, when doing login by email, the client could timeout while fetching the response. In that case, the user may click the link again, but the token was invalidated by their first attempt. They would get a better experience if the link still worked.

Scoped tokens#

If your application uses tokens for multiple purposes, you should prevent a token created for one purpose from being reused for another purpose.

You achieve this by assigning a scope to tokens. You must provide the same scope when you generate a token and when you authenticate it. Else, it’s invalid.

For example, if you’re generating a token for giving access to the report with ID 66, you can set the token’s scope to "report:66".

The default scope ("") behaves exactly like any other scope.

Tokens generated with the default scope are only valid in the default scope. Tokens generated with another scope aren’t valid in the default scope.

You should reserve the default scope for logging users in. Any other use case warrants a dedicated scope.

get_query_string(), get_parameters(), and get_token() accept an optional scope argument to generate scoped tokens:

>>> from sesame.utils import get_query_string
>>> report_id = 66
>>> get_token(user, scope=f"report:{report_id}")

LoginView, authenticate(), and get_user() accept the same scope argument to authenticate scoped tokens:

from sesame.utils import get_user

def share_report(request, report_id):
    user = get_user(request, scope=f"report:{report_id}")
    if user is None:
        raise PermissionDenied

This view can be implemented more concisely, albeit more magically, as follows:

from sesame.decorators import authenticate

def share_report(request, report_id):

AuthenticationMiddleware doesn’t support scopes.

It only accepts tokens generated with the default scope.